Our front magnetic connection is by far our most beloved feature. It's featured on all of our glasses and creates an easy on, easy off motion that wearers rave about. The magnets allow the lenses to separate so you can wear the glasses around your neck rather than taking them on and off (which inevitably results in misplacing them) or propping them on your head, distorting the integrity of the fit.
The genius of this design lies in solving a common problem faced by all who wear glasses. Daily gestures such as taking them off when you stop reading, and then putting them back on immediately after a brief interruption, involve a little discomfort and a recurring episode that is a source of nervousness: putting them down absent-mindedly somewhere (sometimes risking breaking them) and having to look for them for a while, as well as often having your hands full.

With a single motion, the resistant magnet positioned on the bridge of the CliC glasses opens, "dividing" the front in two parts and allowing it to go under the chin. The eyewear remains hung around the neck thanks to the permanent headband, without cluttering or dangling in an annoying way. The permanent headband is a necessary part of the CliC design. Although a drugstore headband strap is sufficient for some, our soft or rigid headband provides a more structed support than lose strap. The reliability of our headband controls where the glasses lay, ensuring the lenses are kept close and safe. Additionally, the customization of our headband and frames support the opportunity to custom fit your glasses based on use. Therefore, with the same naturalness and speed, when needed, all you have to do is pull the two lenses back together, and the frame back connected and comfortable.
Created in 1996 by Ron Lando, CliC glasses with magnets are becoming an indispensable alternative for those who need to always have their eyeglasses at hand, without having to store them or risk misplacing them. The magnet used in all CliC glasses is know as neodymium magnets. They are a permanent magnet made from an alloy of neodymium, iron, and boron to form the

Nd2Fe14B tetragonal crystalline structure. Developed independently in 1984 by General Motors and Sumitomo Special Metals, neodymium magnets are the strongest type of permanent magnet available commercially.
The magnetic connection revolutionizes the experience for all CliC customers... go ahead and give them a try, with free exchanges and returns you've got nothing to lose (except your drugstore readers).
Educational Resources (by topic or phrase): Neodymium magnet, General Motors, Sumitomo Metal Industries